We are a specialised agency for organising events, creative marketing concepts and preparing PR strategies.

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - front/Header_eventorganization_G

Event organization

Each event is its own story. Each client is unique. Our expertise and experience allow us to realize projects and to satisfy everyone’s wishes. We design events thoroughly and quickly. Our work is based on an understanding and insight into services, products and brands of each client.
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - front/Header_marketing_MSCA-2021

Marketing solutions

We research, design and implement corporate identity for events, products, services and objects. We offer consulting and planning of promotional activities. Our ideas and recommendations are innovative, targeted, sometimes bold, but always effective. Increasingly demanding consumers expect increasingly inventive solutions. Being boring is the gravest error in our business.
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - front/Header_PR_SOF-2019

Public relations

We create public relations and efficiently manage your communication with creative content.
Best revenge for not being invited to the party? Throw a better one.

Customers that rely on us

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_A1


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ac


Korporativini dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_An


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_AS


Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_As


Korporativni dogodki, Celostna grafična podoba, Odnosi z javnostmi
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Av


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Av
Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Be


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_BMW


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-BM
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Br


Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_BS


Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ce


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ec
Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ci


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ci
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Co


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Co
Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Co


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Co
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Da


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Da
Promocije in zabave, Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_De


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-De
Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_Diggit


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Di
Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_DM


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-DM
Tehnična podpora, Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_El


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-El
Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Em

Emil Frey

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Em
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija, Korporativni dogodki, Pikniki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_Eurocomm_pr


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Du
Promocije in zabave, Celostna grafična podoba, Tehnična podpora, Koncerti, Strokovni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Fo


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-FO
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_Logo_G3

G3 Spirits

Promocije in zabave, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ga

Galerija Emporium

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ga
Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ga

Galerija Zala

Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ge


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Go


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Go
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Strokovni dogodki, Odnosi z javnostmi, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Go


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Go
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Go

Gorenjska banka

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Go
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Gr


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Gr
Promocije in zabave, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Hs


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-HS
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Tehnična podpora, Korporativni dogodki, Pikniki, Video in foto produkcija, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_In

Intesa San Paolo Bank

Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ja

Jack Daniel's

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ja
Promocije in zabave, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_je


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ec
Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_JT


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-JT
Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ke

Kempinski Adriatic

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ke
Promocije in zabave, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_KI


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-KI
Korporativni dogodki, Zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_Kongresni_urad

Kongresni urad

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ko
Video in foto produkcija, Tehnična podpora, Celovita izvedba dogodka
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_Kozelj-copy


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ky


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ky
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Lu

Luna \TBWA

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Lu
Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ma


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ma
Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Me


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Me
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija, Celostna grafična podoba, Promocije in zabave, PR Strategije
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_MOL

Mestna občina Ljubljana

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-MO
Strokovni dogodki, Celostna grafična podoba, Zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Mi


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideiaevents-MIN
Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_MS


Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Na


Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ne


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-ne
Odnosi z javnostmi, PR strategije, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_No


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-No
Celostna grafična podoba, Odnosi z javnostmi, PR strategije, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_No


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-NO
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Or


Team buildingi, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Pe


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Pe
Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Pe


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-Events-Pe
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/peugeot-logo-al


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/porsche-taycan---
Korporativni dogodki, Strokovni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Pr


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Pr
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Korporativni dogodki, Celostna grafična podoba, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Pr


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-PO
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave, Tehnična podpora, Dobrodelni dogodki, Pikniki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Pu


Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Re


Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_RL


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-RL
Zabave, Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Sa

Sava turizem

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Ri
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Video in foto produkcija, Korporativni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Sc


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-DB
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija, Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Se


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-SE
Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Sn


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_SO


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-SO
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Strokovni dogodki, Odnosi z javnostmi, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logo-soz-new.svg


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-SO
Korporativni dogodki
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Sp


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-SP
Korporativni dogodki, Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija, Zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_ST


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-ST
Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Sp


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Sp
Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Te


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-TE
Korporativni dogodki, Video in foto produkcija
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - Paideia_logo_Triglav_zdravje

Triglav Zdravje

We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Tr
Celovita izvedba dogodkov, Strokovni dogodki, Tehnična podpora, Video in foto produkcija, Celostna grafična podoba
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Ug


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-UG
Korporativni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Vo


We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - logotipi-slike/Paideia-events-Vo
Korporativni dogodki, Strokovni dogodki, Promocije in zabave
We are an agency that specialises in organizing a variety of events and marketing concepts as well a - narocniki/barvni/Paideia_logo_Vz


Promocije in zabave

Let’s talk about your next project.

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Paideia Events © 2025

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